The World's Largest Health & Wellness Program


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What do you get?

210+ Modules 

Master Your Health: Over 200 Expert-Designed Modules to Revolutionize Your Diet and Wellness Journey with the Homeostasis Diet.

8 Coaches 

Join forces with our 8 expert coaches, each a master in diet and wellness, ready to propel you towards unprecedented health triumphs.

170 Page Meal Plan

Explore over 111 delectable meals, all thoughtfully crafted by our registered dietitian, to align perfectly with the Homeostasis Diet's nutritional principles.

12 Week Gut Reset

Discover a healthier you in just 12 weeks with our Gut Reset program, designed for lasting digestive wellness and revitalized energy.

30 Books 30 Days

Enhance your comprehension through reverse engineering reading, delving deeper to fully grasp the books you explore.

The Wall That Changed It All

So, if you found me from TikTok, you know all about the 50 Brain Cell Challenge and the grocery stores. What you might not know is where I began.

If you're reading this, thank you. Most people today don't take the time to connect with themselves, let alone with anyone else. First, take a nice deep breath for me. If you're sitting down, get up and move around. If you can, go for a walk while you read this.

I was the kid who ate junk food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and ODD, I was given all sorts of medications. I never had a father or role models and felt distant from everyone else because of the life I was living. I was put in emotional support classes and kicked out at the age of 18. Nothing in my life came easy. I worked a job making $420 a week, spending half my paycheck on junk food, the other half on drugs, and paid some of my bills. At the age of 26, I hit rock bottom. I was addicted to drugs, drinking, partying, and eating nothing but junk food. No one was there for me on my way down, so when I hit rock bottom, it hit hard.

You probably would not think someone so buff was at their rock bottom in life.

This all started for me one night when I went grocery shopping. I was standing at the checkout and went to pay, but my card got declined. Embarrassed, I went out to my car to "get my other card," only to realize that I had negative money in my bank account. Knowing that I couldn't buy food that night, I went home. At the time, my home was an air mattress in a friend's basement. I started googling what happens when you don't eat for three days. You'll notice now in 2024, there is a lot about fasting and its benefits. Long ago, this was not a well-known topic.

I started seeing topics like BDNF, neurogenesis, and neuroplasticity. I had no clue what any of these words meant. Probably because I had a 1.7 GPA in high school and the one thing I picked up was food or weights. I was what we call a potato.

Day 1.

I felt like I was going to die.


Day 2.

I think I died.


Day 3.

This lightbulb came on in my brain, and for the first time in my life, I felt PURE CLARITY.

Day 4.

I broke my fast with ice cream and cake. I thought I was going to die from the pain I felt in my stomach. My brain felt like it just ran into a wall. If you have ever fasted before, you understand what happens when you eat the wrong foods. Caution to these next words, but let's just say, I didn't know you could pee from your bum.

This experience really had me question my life so, I actually fasted again, this time intentionally. Repeating this same process to see if I got the same result.

This wall you see here represents the same process I studied for two straight years. I cycled through periods of depression and recovery, eating junk food and then healthy food, meditating and not meditating, taking cold showers and warm showers, using drugs and staying sober, drinking and abstaining, and practicing affirmations while sleeping. I experimented with grounding and so much more.

All I can say to you is this: everything I needed, which didn't exist when I needed it most, now exists for you and is really easy to understand. I even found other people who mastered some of the topics I taught myself to coach you.

Phrases like "wake up don't eat let your glycogen deplete" or "mind your gut and you keep your mind" Have transformed my life and will transform yours too. I am probably on tiktok live or will be tonight for you if you need me. Just click here.

How Homeostasis Diet Work

8 Coaches


Weylin, Myofascial Therapist 



  • Unlock your potential with Weylin Gomez's 20+ years of expertise in transformative healing and movement modalities, including professional dance, martial arts, and yoga.
  • Embrace the Embodied Integration Method to shatter limitations and unleash your true power, as you break free from deep-seated beliefs and create the destiny you deserve.
  • Ignite your journey to success with Weylin's empowering change-work tools and techniques, designed to accelerate your path and propel you beyond any barriers holding you back. 


Natalie, RDN, Gut Restoration Dietitian.



  • Complete an in-depth 12-week Gut Microbiome Reset within the program. 
  • You will learn everything from a Gut Microbiome Dietitian See step-by-step behind-the-scenes on how you can create your diet. 
  • Receive a staggering 170+ Page document on Diet.


Write My Own Diet

Tyler, Grow Your Food, Sustainability.




  • Learn how to cultivate your energy to ensure that the energy you consume is truly healthy for you. Not relying on Big Food to do so for you. 
  • Learn how to dedicate just 5-10 hours per week to farming, you can easily supplement your income and eventually become self-employed.
  • How to improve your green thumb and master the art of planning, germinating, watering, harvesting, marketing, selling, scaling, and business strategies. 


Grow My Own Food

Ashley, Mindset, Emotional Intelligence & Spiritual Enlightenment.


  • In just 14 days, you can embark on a self-love journey, learn about personal branding, and develop your emotional intelligence.
  • Learn how to attract more abundance and opportunities by partnering with big brands and charging what you know you are worth.
  • Ashley will also guide you on how to connect with your spirit guides and get out of your way.


Chase, Mind & Body Movement Personal Trainer.


  • He will show you that you don't need a gym membership or expensive equipment to stay fit. 


  • In just 30 days, Chase will guide you through a series of at-home exercises that require minimal equipment and provide step-by-step instructions.


  • Functional movement exercises can help improve balance, flexibility, and strength, which can prevent injuries and keep us healthy and independent as we age.


Quit the Gym

Rian, Certified Nutrigenomic Counselor


  1. Discover the essentials of genomics, and the science of your DNA, and learn how your unique genetic code influences everything from your health risks to your response to treatments. This introduction will unveil how understanding your genetics can be a key to personalized wellness strategies.


  1. Discover how your unique genomic data can be the foundation for a tailored wellness plan, enhancing your health journey's efficiency and effectiveness.


  1. Learn key strategies to correctly interpret genetic data, avoiding common errors like misjudging its impact on health. This guidance will help you use your genetic information more effectively in your wellness journey.


Ali Zulhar, E-Commerce, Online Product Sales



  1. Ali offers step-by-step guidance on how to build e-commerce stores, upload and test products, and sell e-commerce stores to interested companies.


  1. A step-by-step guide to uploading and testing products.


  1. Discover how to sell e-commerce stores to companies interested in expanding their online sales.


Video Poster Image

Joshua, The Creator of Homeostasis Diet - 30 Books in 30 Days

One of the most important parts of change is new information. Over the next 30 days, you'll dive into a world of new information and insights through 30 carefully selected books.

  • Expert Guidance: Joshua, a skilled and knowledgeable guide, will be your companion through this literary adventure. He's not just summarizing; he's transforming complex ideas into easily understandable insights.
  • Diverse Genres: Each book has been chosen for its power to inspire change, provoke thought, and offer new perspectives. Expect a thrilling mix of genres and topics.
  • Community and Discussion: Engage with fellow book enthusiasts. Share your thoughts, insights, and experiences as you progress through the program.
  • Flexibility: Whether you're an avid reader or just starting, this program is tailored to fit your pace and style.
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Fantastic Gut Healthy Meal Ideas

Receive a 170+ page document with a meticulously curated collection of 100 scientifically crafted meals, each created with a singular focus: longevity. 

Pages of Mind Blowing Science

Instead of Watching These Testimonies BECOME ONE.

Real People. Real Results. 

"I Lost 90lbs in 5 Months"

"I got off my Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Medication."


I've read 60 Books in 6 Months


5 Kids, College, Work & Still Successful


"This Mans Content is AMAZING"


Getting Off Medication is REAL

Started at 308lbs with Type 2 Diabetes 

Lost 110lbs and medication free.


Discount Code: HOMEOSTASIS

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